You’ve come to the right place

I am a qualified translator specialising in legal, business and financial translations, and am certified as a Sworn Translator by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

English to Spanish translations

Legal, business and financial translations from English into Spanish (including Latin American Spanish).

Certified Translations

Sworn translations from English into Spanish. Translations are delivered signed and stamped as per the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs requirements.

Translation proofreading

Comprehensive editing regarding style, grammar, terminology and spelling in Spanish.

Degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Vigo, 1998

Sworn translator (licence no. 510) appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1999

University Diploma in Financial Markets and Products, 2015

Master’s Degree in International Trade Law Spanish Online University (UNIR), 2020-present

I can help your business to expand into international markets

I work with clients in Spain and in other countries, and have been helping businesses and companies that are expanding into international markets or that operate in global business environments since 2000.



In 2016 I was among 33 professional translators (from 3,600 candidates) to successfully complete the United Nations’ selection process for Spanish translators.


I also collaborate with international organisations as an external translator and was a successful bidder for financial translation tenders awarded by the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union in 2018 and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 2019.

Specialist fields

I translate documents relating to company incorporation and liquidation, commercial contracts and agreements, powers of attorney, notarial instruments, documents for mergers and acquisitions, share purchase agreements; claims, counterclaims, witness statements, damages reports; wills, divorce rulings, birth certificates; arbitration proceedings, documentation relating to mediation and alternative dispute resolution schemes.

Internal policies and procedures, management documentation and software (CRM software, internal guidelines); recruitment, outsourcing and training documents (human resources documents, e-learning courses, personnel management software); property-related documents (articles, newsletters, blog posts about the real estate market).

Annual financial statements, documents regarding financing transactions, due diligence processes, banking documents.

Policies, terms and conditions, insurance company correspondence, reinsurance documents, expert reports, loss reports, insurance product information.



I provide the client with what they need, when they need it and in the format requested.


Signing contracts with clients and suppliers.


I make the most of my specialist fields, technology and working with other professionals to provide effective solutions for clients.


I provide clear quotes and detailed information about the way I work.


I only translate documents that match my experience and area of expertise. If I cannot accept a commission, I offer clients an alternative solution.


I see each client as a team that I must integrate into and adapt to.

20 years working with words

I celebrate my 20th anniversary as a full-time freelance translator back in 2020.


For the occasion, I wrote two articles with some thoughts about my profession which may be of your interest.

> About my professional career

> About investing in translation

This is what others say about working with me


To request a quote

Please send your documents for translation, together with any reference material, to: